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一一对应yi1 yi1 dui4 ying4 one-to-one correspondence
一一映射yi1 yi1 ying4 she4 one-to-one correspondence
一个幽灵在欧洲游荡yi1 ge4 you1 ling2 zai4 ou1 zhou1 you2 dang4 Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa.
一多对应yi1 duo1 dui4 ying4 one-to-many correspondence
一字倒吊 yi1 zi4 dao3 diao4 orangespot surgeonfish
一步登天yi1 bu4 deng1 tian1 reaching heaven in a single bound (idiom)
不可靠的 bu4 ke3 kao4 de5 fluky
不断攀升 bu4 duan4 pan1 sheng1 to rise without respite
不考虑 bu4 kao3 lv4 Dismiss
不遑多让bu4 huang2 duo1 rang4 not outdone by
中转柜台zhong1 zhuan3 gui4 tai2 transfer desk
乙种粒子yi3 zhong3 li4 zi3 beta particle (electron, esp. high speed electron emitted by radioactive nucleus)
乱开车luan4 kai1 che1 to drive a car irresponsibly
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