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钦仰qin1 yang3 to admire and respect
钦挹qin1 yi4 to look up to
钦敬qin1 jing4 to admire and respect
银样镴枪头yin2 yang4 la4 qiang1 tou2 fig. worthless despite an attractive exterior
阑入lan2 ru4 to mix
院本yuan4 ben3 script for opera (esp. in Yuan times)
顶挡ding3 dang3 to resist
切合实际qie4 he2 shi2 ji4 corresponding to reality
情急之下qing2 ji2 zhi1 xia4 in a moment of desperation
敬老尊贤jing4 lao3 zun1 xian2 to honor the great and the good
毫不逊色hao2 bu4 xun4 se4 not inferior in any respect
玩世不恭wan2 shi4 bu4 gong1 frivolous
皆大欢喜jie1 da4 huan1 xi3 to everyone's delight and satisfaction
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