不负责任 | bu4 fu4 ze2 ren4 | irresponsible |
关防 | guan1 fang2 | security measures (esp. border security) |
屡教不改 | lv3 jiao4 bu4 gai3 | unrepentant |
包干儿 | bao1 gan1 er5 | an allocated task |
大包大揽 | da4 bao1 da4 lan3 | to take complete charge (idiom) |
拜节 | bai4 jie2 | to pay respects during a festival |
推来推去 | tui1 lai2 tui1 qu4 | (idiom) to rudely push and pull others |
汉他病毒 | han4 ta1 bing4 du2 | hantavirus |
肃敬 | su4 jing4 | respectful |
记者站 | ji4 zhe3 zhan4 | correspondent post |
志哀 | zhi4 ai1 | to mark sb's passing |
著落 | zhao2 luo4 | settled |
一呼百诺 | yi1 hu1 bai3 nuo4 | one command brings a hundred responses (idiom) |