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埃斯波西托 ai1 si1 bo1 xi1 tuo1 Esposito
埃斯派利亚 ai1 si1 pai4 li4 ya4 Espaillat
埃斯珀迪 ai1 si1 po4 di2 Esperdy
埃斯皮莱奇 ai1 si1 pi2 lai2 qi2 Espelage
大面积的流行 da4 mian4 ji1 de5 liu2 xing2 widespread transmission
奥斯珀 ao4 si1 po4 Oesper
存取现金cun2 qu3 xian4 jin1 to desposit or withdraw cash
实习记者shi2 xi2 ji4 zhe3 correspondent
宣称负责xuan1 cheng1 fu4 ze2 to claim responsibility
家庭联产承包责任制jia1 ting2 lian2 chan3 cheng2 bao1 ze2 ren2 zhi4 household contract responsibility system
尊师重教zun1 shi1 zhong4 jiao1 to show respect for teachers
尊重知识产权zun1 zhong4 zhi1 shi2 chan3 quan2 to respect intellectual property rights
应对恐怖袭击 ying1 dui4 kong3 bu4 xi2 ji1 to respond to a terrorist attack
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