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Querying dictionary for English phrase "" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "目" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

目前的 mu4 qian2 de5 passing
目录的 mu4 lu4 de5 catalogic
目所能及 mu4 suo3 neng2 ji2 as far as one can see
目无法纪mu4 wu2 fa3 ji4 in complete disorder
目无组织mu4 wu2 zu3 zhi1 to pay no heed to the regulations
目标消费群mu4 biao1 xiao1 fei4 qun2 target consumer group
目标管理 mu4 biao1 guan3 li3 target management
目的何在 mu4 de5 he2 zai4 what is the goal
目眩头昏mu4 xuan4 tou2 hun1 to be dizzy and see stars
目空四海mu4 kong1 si4 hai3 arrogant
目迷五色mu4 mi2 wu3 se4 a dazzling riot of colors
盲目乐观 mang2 mu4 le4 guan1 blind optimism
盲目崇拜的 mang2 mu4 chong2 bai4 de5 idolatrous
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