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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%up" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

粉饰fen3 shi4 plaster
触动chu4 dong4 to touch
起家qi3 jia1 to build up
超额利润chao1 e2 li4 run4 superprofit
黄巢huang2 chao2 Huang Chao (-884), leader of peasant uprising 875-884 in late Tang
乱七八糟luan4 qi1 ba1 zao1 mess-up
包庇bao1 bi4 to harbor
名实ming2 shi2 name and reality
看不起kan4 bu4 qi3 to look down on
队友dui4 you3 team companion
上限shang4 xian4 upper bound
六合liu4 he2 lu4 he2 the universe
胡诌hu2 zhou1 Hu Zhou
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