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化腐朽为神奇hua4 fu3 xiu3 wei2 shen2 qi2 lit. to change something rotten into something magical (idiom)
放声大哭fang4 sheng1 da4 ku1 to bawl
一哄而起yi1 hong1 er2 qi3 (of a group of people) to rush into action
上天无路,入地无门shang4 tian1 wu2 lu4 ru4 di4 wu2 men2 fig. to be at the end of one's rope
付之行动fu4 zhi1 xing2 dong4 to put into action
加足马力jia1 zu2 ma3 li4 (fig.) to go all out
放手一搏fang4 shou3 yi1 bo2 to put one's all into the fight
沙琪玛sha1 qi2 ma3 sachima, sweet (Manchu) pastry made of fried strips of dough coated with syrup, pressed together, then cut into blocks
珠茶zhu1 cha2 gunpowder tea, Chinese green tea whose leaves are each formed into a small pellet
男怕入错行,女怕嫁错郎nan2 pa4 ru4 cuo4 hang2 nv3 pa4 jia4 cuo4 lang2 men fear getting into the wrong line of business, women fear marrying the wrong man (proverb)
直上云霄zhi2 shang4 yun2 xiao1 to soar into the sky
耍脾气shua3 pi2 qi4 to go into a huff
自投罗网zi4 tou2 luo2 wang3 to walk right into the trap
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