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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%when" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

避其锐气bi4 qi2 rui4 qi4 avoid the enemy when he is fresh
无论何时wu2 lun4 he2 shi2 whenever
病急乱投医bing4 ji2 luan4 tou2 yi1 fig. to try anyone or anything in a crisis
空穴来风kong1 xue2 lai2 feng1 baseless (claim)
临时抱佛脚lin2 shi2 bao4 fo2 jiao3 doing things at the last minute
发酒疯fa1 jiu3 feng1 to get wildly drunk
异读yi4 du2 variant pronunciation (when the same character has more than one reading)
申时shen1 shi2 3-5 pm
织当访婢zhi1 dang1 fang3 bi4 if it's weaving, ask the maid (idiom)
耕当问奴geng1 dang1 wen4 nu2 if it's plowing, ask the laborer (idiom)
功败垂成gong1 bai4 chui2 cheng2 last-minute failure
酒肉朋友jiu3 rou4 peng2 you3 fair-weather friend
入乡随俗ru4 xiang1 sui2 su2 do as the natives do

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