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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

公务员gong1 wu4 yuan2 office-bearer
公款gong1 kuan3 public funds
公诉gong1 su4 public lawsuit
亮相liang4 xiang4 debut
共和党gong4 he2 dang3 Republican Party
露面lou4 mian4 to show one's face
转发zhuan3 fa1 to pass on
公道gong1 dao4 equitable
启事qi3 shi4 to post information
内幕nei4 mu4 internal
立法院li4 fa3 yuan4 Legislative Yuan, the legislative branch of government under the constitution of Republic of China, then of Taiwan
宣扬xuan1 yang2 to proclaim
国库guo2 ku4 public purse

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