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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%domestic" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

国内最新播报guo2 nei4 zui4 xin1 bo1 bao4 latest domestic news
国内游guo2 nei4 you2 domestic travel
国内邮件guo2 nei4 you2 jian4 domestic mail
国内长途guo2 nei4 chang2 tu2 domestic long-distance
国本土企业guo2 ben3 tu3 qi3 ye4 domestic company
国际国内guo2 ji4 guo2 nei4 abroad and at home
在国内的市场占有率zai4 guo2 nei4 shi4 chang3 zhan1 you3 lv4 domestic market share
境内水道 jing4 nei4 shui3 dao4 domestic waterway
家暴案jia1 bao4 an4 case of domestic violence
扩大内需kuo4 da4 nei4 xu1 to expand domestic demand
早间国内要闻 zao3 jian1 guo2 nei4 yao4 wen2 important morning domestic news
本土军事设施 ben3 tu3 jun1 shi4 she4 shi1 domestic military faciliy
来自国内外lai2 zi4 guo2 nei4 wai4 foreign and domestic

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