Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Ding" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
国家标准码 | guo2 jia1 biao1 zhun3 ma3 | GB Guo Biao code |
垫脚 | dian4 jiao3 | litter (animal bedding) |
多工运作 | duo1 gong1 yun4 zuo4 | multithreading |
开国元勋 | kai1 guo2 yuan2 xun1 | fig. also used of company or school etc |
按照法律 | an4 zhao4 fa3 lv4 | according to the law |
按照计划 | an4 zhao4 ji4 hua4 | according to the plan |
按着 | an4 | according to |
据报导 | bao4 dao3 | according to news reports |
据统计 | ju4 tong3 ji4 | according to statistics |
昂首阔步 | ang2 shou3 kuo4 bu4 | to strut |
智能大楼 | zhi4 neng2 da4 lou2 | intelligent building |
曼彻斯特编码 | man4 che4 si1 te4 bian1 ma3 man4 che4 si1 te2 bian1 ma3 | Manchester encoding |
栈桥 | zhan4 qiao2 | a pier |