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血蓝素xue4 lan2 su4 hemocyanin (protein in the blood of molluscs etc with a respiratory function similar to hemoglobin)
被追责 bei4 zhui1 ze2 to be forced to bear responsibility
西艺xi1 yi4 western skills
规制gui1 zhi4 regulatory
规谏gui1 jian4 to exhort
讨扰tao3 rao3 I beg to disturb you
谒访ye4 fang3 to pay one's respects
谢肉节xie4 rou4 jie2 carnival (esp. Christian)
貌相mao4 xiang1 looks
贯气guan4 qi4 to confer beneficial influence
贵古贱今gui4 gu3 jian4 jin1 to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)
贵远贱近gui4 yuan3 jian4 jin4 to revere the past and despise the present (idiom)
赶脚gan3 jiao3 to work as a carter or porter
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