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麦克阿瑟mai4 ke4 a1 se4 General Douglas Macarthur (1880-1964), US commander in chief during WW2 and in Korea
丁利 ding1 li4 Dingley
倔强的 jue2 qiang2 de5 unbending
六书liu4 shu1 the Six Classics 六經六经
凸边tu1 bian1 rim
半翅目ban4 chi4 mu4 Heteroptera
反键fan3 jian4 antibonding
唇形科chun2 xing2 ke1 Labiatae, the taxonomic family including lavender, mint
坠楼zhui4 lou2 to fall from a building
大戟科da4 ji3 ke1 Euphorbiaceae (plant family including rubber and cassava)
头足纲tou2 zu2 gang1 cephalopod
如鱼得水ru2 yu2 de2 shui3 glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
弯道wan1 dao4 road curve
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