Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Ding" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
贸易公司 | mao4 yi4 gong1 si1 | trading company |
转弯抹角 | zhuan3 wan1 mo4 jiao3 | to equivocate |
迂阔 | yu1 kuo4 | high flown nonsense |
项庄舞剑 | xiang4 zhuang1 wu3 jian4 | an elaborate deception hiding malicious intent |
马刺 | ma3 ci4 | spur (on riding boots) |
鳞翅 | lin2 chi4 | scaly wing |
冼星海 | xian3 xing1 hai3 | Xian Xinghai (1905-1945), violinist and composer, known for patriotic wartime pieces, including Yellow River Oratorio 黃河大åˆå”±é»„河大åˆå”± |
建筑材料工业 | jian4 zhu2 cai2 liao4 gong1 ye4 | building materials industry |
水涨船高 | shui3 zhang3 chuan2 gao1 | the boat rises with the water |
永定河 | yong3 ding4 he2 | Yongding river |
注塑 | zhu4 su4 | injection molding |
迤 | | winding |
马太福音 | ma3 tai4 fu2 yin1 | Matthew Gospel |