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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Works" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

文艺作品wen2 yi4 zuo4 pin3 art work
杜莎夫人du4 suo1 fu1 ren5 Madame Tussauds (waxworks)
石作shi2 zuo4 masonry workshop
罗贯中luo2 guan4 zhong1 Luo Guanzhong (c. 1330-c. 1400), author of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms and other works
钢厂gang1 chang3 a steelworks
制铅工厂zhi4 qian1 gong1 chang3 leadworks
印花工厂yin4 hua1 gong1 chang3 printworks
喷水装置pen1 shui3 zhuang1 zhi4 waterworks
土方工程tu3 fang1 gong1 cheng2 groundworks
工件座gong1 jian4 zuo4 workseat
工作空间gong1 zuo4 kong1 jian1 workspace
攻城设施gong1 cheng2 she4 shi1 siege-works
激烈争论ji1 lie4 zheng1 lun2 fireworks

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