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强迫妇女卖淫 qiang2 po4 fu4 nv3 mai4 yin2 to force women into prostitution
御驾亲征yu4 jia4 qin1 zheng1 to take part personally in an expedition
打入了da3 ru4 le5 to crash into
扪心无愧men2 xin1 wu2 kui4 with a clear conscience
投身于 tou2 shen1 yu2 to throw oneself into
拖人下水tuo1 ren2 xia4 shui3 to get sb into trouble
挤破头ji3 po4 tou2 to crowd into
掠卖华工lve4 mai4 hua2 gong1 Chinese people press-ganged and sold into slavery during Western colonialism
推心置腹tui1 xin1 zhi4 fu4 to trust completely
揣在怀里chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3 also written 搋在懷裡搋在怀里
搋在怀里chuai1 zai4 huai2 li3 also written 揣在懷裡揣在怀里
撞到了zhuang4 dao4 le5 to slam into
明镜高悬ming2 jing4 gao1 xuan2 Big brother is watching you.
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