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装神弄鬼zhuang1 shen2 nong4 gui3 to scam
见义勇为jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 jian4 yi4 yong3 wei2 acting heroically in a just cause
见缝插针jian4 feng4 cha1 zhen1 to take advantage of an opening
调兵遣将diao4 bing1 qian3 jiang1 diao4 bing1 qian3 jiang4 move troops
贫无立锥pin2 wu2 li4 zhui1 absolutely destitute
近墨者黑jin4 mo4 zhe3 hei1 Nurture determines a person's character.
迫在眉睫po4 zai4 mei2 jie2 imminent
量体裁衣liang2 ti3 cai2 yi1 To live within one's means.
闭月羞花bi4 yue4 xiu1 hua1 to be extraordinarily beautiful
隔三差五ge2 san1 cha4 wu3 to separate
青出于蓝qing1 chu1 yu2 lan2 same as couplet 青出於藍,而勝於藍青出于蓝,而胜于蓝
鞠躬尽瘁ju1 gong1 jin4 cui4 striving to the utmost
顺手牵羊shun4 shou3 qian1 yang2 snitch
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