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无所适从wu2 suo3 shi4 cong2 at a loss what to do
歇后语xie1 hou4 yu3 saying in which the second part, uttered after a pause or totally left out, is the intended meaning of the allegory presented in the first part
渊广yuan1 guang3 broad and extensive (of knowledge etc)
澌澌(the sound of snow)
炳著bing3 zhu4 eminent
犪牛kui2 niu2 ancient yak of South East China, also known as 犩[wei2]
玩雪 wan2 xue3 to play in the snow
白条bai2 tiao2 IOU
百脑汇 bai3 nao3 hui4 BuyNow
知冷知热zhi1 leng3 zhi1 re4 to be very considerate
知悭识俭zhi1 qian1 shi2 jian3 to know how to be economical (idiom)
筛除shai1 chu2 to winnow (agriculture)
语冰yu3 bing1 to have limited experience and knowledge (idiom)
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