加派 | jia1 pai4 | to dispatch troops |
华彩 | hua2 cai3 | gorgeous |
朝觐 | chao2 jin4 | hajj (Islam) |
消暑 | xiao1 shu3 | to spend a summer holiday |
灰心丧气 | hui1 xin1 sang4 qi4 | downcast |
看得起 | kan4 de5 qi3 | to think highly of |
黑店 | hei1 dian4 | fig. a scam |
圣庙 | sheng4 miao4 | shrine to a sage (esp. Confucius) |
思慕 | si1 mu4 | to think of with respect |
担待 | dan1 dai4 | to pardon |
暖色 | nuan3 se4 | warm color (arch.) |
特急 | te4 ji2 | top priority |
萩 | qiu1 | Lespedeza bicolor |