血路 | xue4 lu4 | desperate getaway (from a battlefield) |
表示尊敬 | biao3 shi4 zun1 jing4 | to show respect |
讨论区 | tao3 lun4 qu1 tao3 lun2 qu1 | feedback |
配售 | pei4 shou4 | to ration merchandise (esp. food in times of shortages) |
闻风而动 | wen2 feng1 er2 dong4 | to hear of news and respond |
降气定喘 | jiang4 qi4 ding4 chuan3 | to relieve respiratory distress by guiding Qi down |
顗 | yi3 | pleasing |
频响 | pin2 xiang3 | frequency response |
敬而远之 | jing4 er2 yuan3 zhi1 | to remain at a respectful distance |
专司 | zhuan1 si1 | specialist (responsible some task) |
佛爷 | fo2 ye5 | God |
佛龛 | fo2 kan1 | niche for statue (esp. Buddhist, Christian etc) |
免疫应答 | mian3 yi4 ying1 da2 | immune response |