Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
公布的数字 | gong1 bu4 de5 shu4 zi4 | public figures |
公布的数据显示 | gong1 bu4 de5 shu4 xian3 shi4 | publically announced data shows |
公开披露 | gong1 kai1 pi1 lu4 | to reveal to the public |
公报私仇 | gong1 bao4 si1 chou2 | to use public office to avenge private wrongs |
公民表决 | gong1 min2 biao3 jue2 | referendum |
公益活动 | gong1 yi4 huo2 dong4 | public benefit |
公私两不误 | gong1 si1 liang3 bu4 wu4 | public and private both benefit |
公私兼顾 | gong1 si1 jian1 gu4 | public private partnership venture |
公私分明 | gong1 si1 fen1 ming2 | clear separation of public and private matters |
公营经济 | gong1 ying2 jing1 ji4 | state run enterprises |
共和派 | gong4 he2 pai4 | Republican faction |
刊登了 | kan1 deng1 le5 | to print in a publication |
南斯拉夫塞尔维亚共和国 | nan2 si1 la1 fu1 sai4 er3 wei2 ya4 gong4 he2 guo2 | Republic of Yugoslavia |