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以言代法yi3 yan2 dai4 fa3 to substitute one's words for the law (idiom)
以貌取人yi3 mao4 qu3 ren2 to judge sb by appearances (idiom)
伤天害理shang1 tian1 hai4 li3 outrageous acts
做贼心虚zuo4 zei2 xin1 xu1 to have sth on one's conscience
先下手为强xian1 xia4 shou3 wei2 qiang2 first come, first served
先睹为快xian1 du3 wei2 kuai4 joy of first experience (idiom)
兴高彩烈xing1 gao1 cai3 lie4 in high spirits
出乎意外chu1 hu1 yi4 wai4 unexpected
削足适履xue1 zu2 shi4 lv3 impractical or inelegant solution
千奇百怪qian1 qi2 bai3 guai4 strange
千载难逢qian1 zai3 nan2 feng2 once in a blue moon
危言耸听wei1 yan2 song3 ting1 alarmist talk
原封不动yuan2 feng1 bu4 dong4 untouched
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