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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%now" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

小雨夹雪 xiao3 yu3 jia1 xue3 light rain with snow
就某人所知jiu4 mou3 ren2 suo3 zhi1 to ones knowledge
巴拉诺思基 ba1 la1 nuo4 si1 ji1 Baranowski
技术下乡ji4 shu4 xia4 xiang1 to spread technological knowledge to farmers
拉比诺维茨 la1 bi3 nuo4 wei2 ci2 Rabinowitz
拉齐诺维奇 la1 qi2 nuo4 wei2 qi2 Radzinowicz
据某人所知 mou3 ren2 suo3 zhi1 to sbs certain knowledge
斯诺登 si1 nuo4 deng1 Snowdon
普罗克诺 pu3 luo2 ke4 nuo4 Prochnow
智利人zhi4 li4 ren2 knowledgable person
智力密集型zhi4 li4 mi4 ji2 xing2 knowledge-intensive
格希诺威茨 ge2 xi1 nuo4 wei1 ci2 Gershinowitz
格里布诺 ge2 li3 bu4 nuo4 Griebenow

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