四面楚歌 | si4 mian4 chu3 ge1 | to be besieged on all sides |
常胜军 | chang2 sheng4 jun1 | frequent champion |
引咎辞职 | yin3 jiu4 ci2 zhi2 | to take the blame and resign |
悼亡 | dao4 wang2 | to pay respects |
承担责任 | cheng2 dan1 ze2 ren2 | to accept responsibility |
搭腔 | da1 qiang1 | to answer |
燃眉之急 | ran2 mei2 zhi1 ji2 | extreme emergency |
追究责任 | zhui1 jiu1 ze2 ren2 | to be found responsible |
人人有责 | ren2 ren2 you3 ze2 | it is everyone's duty |
呼吸道综合症 | hu1 xi1 dao4 zong1 he2 zheng1 | respiratory sickness |
囍 | xi3 | symbol of good luck, esp. marriage |
圣埃斯皮里图 | sheng4 ai1 si1 pi2 li3 tu2 | Espirito Santo |
在这方面 | zai4 zhe4 fang1 mian4 | in this respect |