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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%girl" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

白毛女bai2 mao2 nv3 The White Haired Girl (1950), one of the first PRC films
少男少女shao4 nan2 shao4 nv3 teenagers
泡妞pao4 niu1 to womanize
女店员nv3 dian4 yuan2 salesgirl
好阿hao3 a1 attagirl
小女孩xiao3 nv3 hai2 little girl
绝代佳人jue2 dai4 jia1 ren2 peerless beauty
舞蹈手wu3 dao3 shou3 showgirl
阿囡a1 nan1 honey (endearment in addressing a little girl)
妮子ni1 zi5 (coll.) lass
丫环ya1 huan2 maid
倒追 dao3 zhui1 girl chases boy
小蜜xiao3 mi4 (lit.) little secret

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