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Querying dictionary for English phrase "completely" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

无缘无故wu2 yuan2 wu2 gu4 completely uncalled for
占满zhan4 man3 to fill
一塌糊涂yi4 ta1 hu2 tu2 complete shambles
十全十美shi2 quan2 shi2 mei3 to be perfect (idiom)
一动不动yi1 dong4 bu4 dong4 not to move even a little bit
一点儿都 yi1 dian3 er5 du1 completely
完全不同wan2 quan2 bu4 tong2 completely different
彻底解决che4 di1 jie3 jue2 to resolve completely
毫无关系的 hao2 wu2 guan1 ji4 de5 completely unrelated
空空如也kong1 kong1 ru2 ye3 hollow
干透gan1 tou4 to dry out
完完全全wan2 wan2 quan2 quan2 completely
全复quan2 fu4 healed

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