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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

马里共和国 ma3 li3 gong4 he2 guo2 Republic of Mali
高等公共卫生学院 gao1 deng3 gong1 gong4 wei4 sheng1 xue2 yuan4 Higher [Institute] of [Public] [Health]
黑山共和国政府 hei1 shan1 gong4 he2 guo2 zheng4 fu3 government of the Republic of Montenegro
扫黄打非sao3 huang2 da3 fei1 crackdown on illegal pornography
悬壶济世xuan2 hu2 ji4 shi4 practice medicine or pharmacy to help the people or public
报禁bao4 jin4 press restrictions
急公好义ji2 gong1 hao4 yi4 public-spirited
公众视线 gong1 zhong4 shi4 xian4 public attention
公测 gong1 ce4 public test
公益日 gong1 yi4 ri4 public benefit day
共和与民主两党 gong4 he2 yu3 min2 zhu3 liang3 dang3 Republican and Democratic Parties
匿影藏形ni4 ying3 cang2 xing2 to lay low
发了言fa1 le5 yan2 made a speech

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