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非典型肺炎fei1 dian3 xing2 fei4 yan2 SARS
饥寒交迫ji1 han2 jiao1 po4 in desperate poverty
伟士牌wei3 shi4 pai2 Vespa (scooter)
兄长xiong1 zhang3 elder brother
发案fa1 an4 to occur
天无绝人之路tian1 wu2 jue2 ren2 zhi1 lu4 Never say die.
小视xiao3 shi4 to despise
拜鬼 bai4 gui3 to pay respect to the dead
授任shou4 ren4 same as 授任
搭茬da1 cha2 to respond
携款xie2 kuan3 to take funds (esp. illegally or corruptly obtained)
梁木liang2 mu4 beam
欧吉桑ou1 ji2 sang1 Ojisan
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