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沈国放shen3 guo2 fang4 Shen Guofang (1952-), foreign affairs official (PRC)
百思不解bai3 si1 bu4 jie3 remain perplexed despite much thought
song3 to crane
罗密欧与朱丽叶luo2 mi4 ou1 yu3 zhu1 li4 ye4 Romeo and Juliet, 1594 tragedy by William Shakespeare 莎士比亞莎士比亚
he4 lotus
迈科里mai4 ke1 li3 Mike McCurry White House spokesperson
逼上梁山bi1 shang4 liang2 shan1 to drive to revolt
铭谢ming2 xie4 vote of thanks
一呼百应yi1 hu1 bai3 ying1 yi1 hu1 bai3 ying4 uproar
反特fan3 te4 counter-spy
plain in the middle of the mountains
应运而生ying1 yun4 er2 sheng1 ying4 yun4 er2 sheng1 to rise to the occasion
份外fen4 wai4 exceptionally
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