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广岛县guang3 dao3 xian4 Hiroshima prefecture, Japan
抗日救亡团体kang4 ri4 jiu4 wang2 tuan2 ti3 Save the Nation anti-Japanese organization
抗日救亡运动kang4 ri4 jiu4 wang2 yun4 dong4 the Save the Nation anti-Japanese protest movement stemming from the Manchurian railway incident of 18th July 1931 九一八事變九一八事变
文部省wen2 bu4 sheng3 ministry of culture (Japanese: monbush)
旅顺港lv3 shun4 gang3 in Lshunkou district of Dalian 大連大连, Liaoning
日中关系 ri4 zhong1 guan1 ji4 Sino-Japanese relations
日中友协 ri4 zhong1 you3 xie2 Japan-China friendship association
日中友好 ri4 zhong1 you3 hao3 Japanese-Chinese friendship
日中韩 ri4 zhong1 han2 Japan, China and South Korea
日本共同社ri4 ben3 gong4 tong2 she4 Kyd, Japanese news agency
日本刀ri4 ben3 dao1 katana
日本分公司 ri4 ben3 fen1 gong1 si1 Japanese sub-branch
日本国会 ri4 ben3 guo2 hui4 Japanese parliament

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