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猥琐wei3 suo3 vulgar
临产lin2 chan3 to face childbirth
任劳任怨ren4 lao2 ren4 yuan4 to bear the burden of office willingly
全责quan2 ze2 entire responsibility
圈内quan1 nei4 community
埃斯皮 ai1 si1 pi2 Espy
大面积da4 mian4 ji1 widespread
扬子江yang2 zi3 jiang1 Changjiang 長江长江 or Yangtze River
擅闯shan4 chuang3 to trespass
新闻发言人xin1 wen2 fa1 yan2 ren2 spokesman
楚辞chu3 ci2 Chu Ci, the Songs of Chu (ancient book of poems, collected during Han but esp. from country of Chu c. 500 BC)
津泽jin1 ze2 sap
深恶痛绝shen1 wu4 tong4 jue2 shen1 e3 tong4 jue2 to abhor
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