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入超ru4 chao1 unfavorable balance of trade
和卖 he2 mai4 to sell at a reasonable price
唐诗三百首tang2 shi1 san1 bai3 shou3 Three hundred Tang dynasty poems, a stable anthology collected around 1763 by Sun Zhu 孫誅
媲美pi4 mei3 to match
对照表dui4 zhao4 biao3 comparison table
不共戴天bu4 gong4 dai4 tian1 (of enemies) cannot live under the same sky
吃不上chi1 bu2 shang4 unable to get anything to eat
安适an1 shi4 quiet and comfortable
干将gan4 jiang4 capable person
看得见kan4 de2 jian4 visible
离不开li2 bu4 kai1 to be unable to leave
转车zhuan3 che1 zhuan4 che1 to transfer
重读zhong4 du2 accentuate
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