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遏止e4 zhi3 to resist
鸣谢ming2 xie4 vote of thanks
女杰nv3 jie2 heroine
妖妇yao1 fu4 Delilah
拼死pin1 si3 same as 拼命
韩语han2 yu3 Korean language (esp. in context of South Korea)
风镜feng1 jing4 goggles (esp. against wind and sandstorms)
专制主义zhuan1 zhi4 zhu3 yi4 autocracy
五岭wu3 ling3 Truncated - click through for definition
免疫反应mian3 yi4 fan3 ying1 mian3 yi4 fan3 ying4 immune response
奥赛罗ao4 sai4 luo2 Othello (play by Shakespeare)
孢原bao1 yuan2 archespore
民脂民膏min2 zhi1 min2 gao1 the people's blood, sweat and tears
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