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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%single" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

单曲dan1 qu3 single tune
平话ping2 hua4 storytelling dramatic art dating back to Song and Yuan periods, single narrator without music, often historical topics with commentary
独生du2 sheng1 a single birth
一元论yi1 yuan2 lun4 yi1 yuan2 lun2 monism, belief that the universe is made of a single substance
统一体tong3 yi1 ti3 whole
套汇tao4 hui4 illegal currency exchange
单个dan1 ge5 alone
一次性yi1 ci4 xing4 once
潜心qian2 xin1 to hide
单模dan1 mo2 single mode
星星之火xing1 xing1 zhi1 huo3 a single spark (idiom)
独木桥du2 mu4 qiao2 lit. a log bridge
单日dan1 ri4 on a single day

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