佣 | yong1 yong1 yong4 | to hire |
养驯 | yang3 xun2 | domesticate |
家奴 | jia1 nu2 | slave servant |
国内要闻 | guo2 nei4 yao4 wen2 | important domestic news |
家庭事务 | jia1 ting2 shi4 wu4 | domestic affairs |
畜产品 | xu4 chan3 pin3 | livestock product |
内忧外患 | nei4 you1 wai4 huan4 | in a mess both domestically and abroad |
内资 | nei4 zi1 | domestic capital |
中国贸促会 | zhong1 guo2 mao4 cu4 hui4 | China Council for the Promotion of Domestic Trade |
中国银联 | zhong1 guo2 yin2 lian2 | Chinese Banking Association |
内资金 | nei4 zi1 jin1 | domestic capital |
国内经济 | guo2 nei4 jing1 ji4 | domestic economy |
天伦之乐 | tian1 lun2 zhi1 le4 | domestic bliss |