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特约记者te4 yue1 ji4 zhe3 stringer
肃然su4 ran2 awed
五胡wu3 hu2 Truncated - click through for definition
包乾 bao1 gan1 be responsible for a task unit until it is complet
守分shou3 fen4 to respect the law
尊老zun1 lao3 respect the aged
尤为you2 wei2 especially
批覆pi1 fu4 to give an official response
文库wen2 ku4 library
没命mei2 ming4 to die
潜泳qian2 yong3 esp. skin diving
矿物质kuang4 wu4 zhi4 mineral, esp. dietary mineral
碰磁peng4 ci2 a currently widespread fraud in PRC involving deliberately crashing cars then demanding compensation
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