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不成体统bu4 cheng2 ti3 tong3 bad form
严格按照yan2 ge2 an4 zhao4 strictly according to
任人唯贤ren4 ren2 wei2 xian2 appointment on the basis of ability and integrity
依法予以经济罚款 yi1 fa3 yu2 yi3 jing1 ji4 fa2 kuan3 to levy a fine according to the law
依法吊销 yi1 fa3 diao4 xiao1 to revoke according to legal procedures
依法治国yi1 fa3 zhi4 guo2 to rule according to the law
倒心形的 dao3 xin1 xing2 de5 obcordate
公事公办gong1 shi4 gong1 ban4 to do official business according to the official principles (i.e. without involving private interests)
创下最新纪录 chuang4 xia4 zui4 xin1 ji4 lu4 to create a new record
创下高票房chuang4 xia4 gao1 piao4 fang2 to set a box office record
北宋四大部书bei3 song4 si4 da4 bu4 shu1 Truncated - click through for definition
升至创纪录水平 sheng1 zhi4 chuang4 ji4 lu4 shui3 ping2 to rise to a new record level
发声器官fa1 sheng1 qi4 guan1 vocal cords

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