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经济型 jing1 ji4 xing2 economy-style
跨座式 kua4 zuo4 shi4 over-sitting style
遵旨zun1 zhi3 to obey the Emperor's decree
针式 zhen1 shi4 injection-style
钟丽缇 zhong1 li2 Christy Chung
锈烂xiu4 lan4 to rust
恣肆zi4 si4 bold
唐装tang2 zhuang1 Tang dynasty dress
国际特赦guo2 ji4 te4 she4 Amnesty International
孟浩然meng4 hao4 ran2 Meng Haoran (689-740), Tang Dynasty Poet
有型you3 xing2 stylish
民居min2 ju1 homes
四库全书si4 ku4 quan2 shu1 Siku Quanshu (collection of books compiled during Qing dynasty)
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