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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%now" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

不见经传bu4 jian4 jing1 zhuan4 unknown
公诸于世gong1 zhu1 yu2 shi4 to publicize
司马迁si1 ma3 qian1 Si Maqian
哪知na3 zhi1 unexpectedly
哭笑不得ku1 xiao4 bu4 de2 in a desperate state
回条hui2 tiao2 note acknowledging receipt
大明鼎鼎da4 ming2 ding3 ding3 a grand reputation
尉缭wei4 liao2 Truncated - click through for definition
我不知道 bu4 zhi1 dao4 I don't know
求知欲qiu2 zhi1 yu4 desire for knowledge
汉沽han4 gu1 Hangu former district of Tianjin, now part of Binhai subprovincial district 濱海新區滨海新区[Bin1 hai3 xin1 qu1]
熟谙shu2 an1 well-versed
积雪场ji1 xue3 chang3 snowpack

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