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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

公共维修基金 gong1 gong4 wei2 xiu1 ji1 jin1 public maintenance fee
公共网络gong1 gong4 wang3 luo4 public Internet
公共职业介绍所 gong1 gong4 zhi2 ye4 jie4 shao4 suo3 public employment center
公共记录gong1 gong4 ji4 lu4 public records
公共课gong1 gong4 ke4 public course
公共财政体制gong1 gong4 cai2 zheng4 ti1 zhi4 public finance system
公关策略 gong1 guan1 ce4 lve4 public relations strategy
公安处gong1 an1 chu3 public security office
公安工作 gong1 an1 gong1 zuo4 public security work
公安系统gong1 an1 ji4 tong3 public security system
公安部部长gong1 an1 bu4 bu4 zhang3 Minister of Public Security
公安部长 gong1 an1 bu4 chang2 Minister of Public Security
公安部门gong1 an1 bu4 men2 Ministry of Public Security

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