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Querying dictionary for English phrase "cord" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

科迪莉亚 ke1 di2 li4 ya4 Cordelia
秘密录音 mi4 mi4 lu4 yin1 secret recording
究其原因jiu1 qi2 yuan2 yin1 according to research
纪录新高ji4 lu4 xin1 gao1 record high
西湖志xi1 hu2 zhi4 Records of the West Lake
西科德 xi1 ke1 de2 Secord
视频录象机shi4 pin2 lu4 xiang4 ji1 video recorders
访谈录 fang3 tan2 lu4 interview record
达到创纪录的规模 da2 dao4 chuang4 ji4 lu4 de5 gui1 mo2 to reach a new record in terms of scale
达成和解 da2 cheng2 he2 jie3 to reach accord
这位消息灵通人士称zhe4 wei4 xiao1 xi1 ling2 tong1 ren2 shi4 cheng1 according to this well-informed source
通话记录 tong1 hua4 ji4 lu4 communication record
销售纪录xiao1 shou4 ji3 lu4 sales record

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