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专心致志zhuan1 xin1 zhi4 zhi4 with single-hearted devotion (idiom)
乘风破浪cheng2 feng1 po4 lang4 to have high ambitions
土豪劣绅tu3 hao2 lie4 shen1 dominant local mafia
垂死挣扎chui2 si3 zheng1 zha2 deathbed struggle
奇耻大辱qi2 chi3 da4 ru3 wormwood
如虎添翼ru2 hu3 tian1 yi4 with redoubled power (idiom)
如鱼得水ru2 yu2 de2 shui3 glad to be back in one's proper surroundings
孤芳自赏gu1 fang1 zi4 shang3 self-love
宽宏大量kuan1 hong2 da4 liang4 generous
心旷神怡xin1 kuang4 shen2 yi2 carefree and relaxed
恼羞成怒nao3 xiu1 cheng2 nu4 to fly into a rage out of humiliation
挑拨离间tiao3 bo1 li2 jian4 to drive a wedge between
方兴未艾fang1 xing1 wei4 ai4 on the up
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