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旷古未闻kuang4 gu3 wei4 wen2 unprecedented
春风深醉的晚上chun1 feng1 shen1 zui4 de5 wan3 shang5 Intoxicating Spring Nights, 1924 short story by Yu Dafu 郁達夫郁达夫[Yu4 Da2 fu1]
曹馀章 cao2 yu2 zhang1 Cao Yuzhang (1924-), modern writer and publisher, author of narrative history 上下五千年
最后的晚餐zui4 hou4 de wan3 can1 the Last Supper (in the Christian Passion story)
李延寿li3 yan2 shou4 Li Yanshou (fl. 650), compiler of History of the Southern 南史 and Northern Dynasties 北史
构想图gou4 xiang3 tu2 notional diagram (i.e. made-up picture or artist's impression for news story)
标题新闻biao1 ti2 xin1 wen2 title story
梁唐晋汉周书liang2 tang2 jin4 han4 zhou1 shu1 another name for History of the Five Dynasties between Tang and Song 舊五代史旧五代史
橄榄山gan3 lan3 shan1 Mount of Olives (in the Christian passion story)
毛泽东・鲜为人知的故事mao2 ze2 dong1 xian1 wei2 ren2 zhi1 de5 gu4 shi5 Mao: The Unknown Story by Jung Chang 張戎张戎 and Jon Halliday
民国通俗演义min2 guo2 tong1 su2 yan3 yi4 Dramatized history of Republican China until 1927 by Cai Dongfan 蔡東藩蔡东藩, and later chapters by Xu Qinfu 許廑父许廑父
波澜老成bo1 lan2 lao3 cheng2 awesome
浣纱记huan4 sha1 ji4 Truncated - click through for definition

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