隐退 | yin3 tui4 | to vanish |
函件 | han2 jian4 | letters |
回纥 | hui2 ge1 | Huihe, pre-Tang name of ethnic group corresponding to modern Uighur |
土布 | tu3 bu4 | homespun cloth |
搏击 | bo2 ji1 | to capture prey |
敬称 | jing4 cheng1 | honorific |
璀璨 | cui3 can4 | bright |
着落 | luo4 | settled |
问安 | wen4 an1 | to give regards to |
高发 | gao1 fa1 | widespread |
嗜 | shi4 | fond of |
圣事 | sheng4 shi4 | Christian rite (esp. Catholic) |
译员 | yi4 yuan2 | translator (esp. oral) |