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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%Germany" AND Chinese phrase "%" AND Pinyin phrase ""

萨克森sa4 ke4 sen1 Sachsen or Saxony, Bundesland in east of Germany, bordering on Poland and Czech republic, capital Dresden 德累斯頓德累斯顿[De2 lei4 si1 dun4]
莱比锡lai2 bi3 xi1 Leipzig, capital of Saxony, Germany
阿亨a1 heng1 Aix-la-Chapelle
东西德dong1 xi1 de2 East and West Germany
俾斯麦bi3 si1 mai4 Bismarck (name)
卡尔斯鲁厄ka3 er3 si1 lu3 e4 Karlsruhe (city in Germany)
德意志联邦共和国de2 yi4 zhi4 lian2 bang1 gong4 he2 guo2 Federal Republic of Germany
法德 fa3 de2 France and Germany
圣奥古斯丁sheng4 ao4 gu3 si1 ding1 St Augustine
多特蒙德duo1 te4 meng2 de2 duo1 te4 meng1 de2 Dortmund city in the Ruhr 魯爾區鲁尔区, Germany
杜塞尔多夫du4 sai1 er3 duo1 fu1 du4 sai4 er3 duo1 fu1 Dsseldorf (Germany)
比勒费尔德bi3 le4 fei4 er3 de2 Bielefeld (city in Germany)
萨尔布吕肯sa4 er3 bu4 lv3 ken3 Saarbrcken, capital of Saarland, Germany

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