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Querying dictionary for English phrase "remote" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

遥不可及yao2 bu4 ke3 ji2 far-fetched
yao3 sunken eyes
远祖yuan3 zu3 a remote ancestor
幽僻you1 pi4 secluded
旷渺kuang4 miao3 remote and vast
眇眇miao3 miao3 sublime
绵远mian2 yuan3 remote
边裔bian1 yi4 remote area
边鄙bian1 bi3 remote
远因yuan3 yin1 remote cause
远缘yuan3 yuan2 remote affinity
偏僻地区pian1 pi4 di4 qu1 remote region
半远距ban4 yuan3 ju4 semiremote

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