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Querying dictionary for English phrase "%public" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""

史臣shi3 chen2 official in charge of public records
宣认xuan1 ren4 public declaration
家丑不可外传jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 chuan2 fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
家丑不可外扬jia1 chou3 bu4 ke3 wai4 yang2 fig. don't wash your dirty linen in public
对外宣布 dui4 wai4 xuan1 bu4 to announce publicly
惊师动众jing1 shi1 dong4 zhong4 to alarm everyone
惊群动众jing1 qun2 dong4 zhong4 to alarm everyone
扩版kuo4 ban3 to increase the format of a publication
损公肥私sun3 gong1 fei2 si1 venal and selfish behavior
揪斗jiu1 dou4 to tussle with
朝鲜民主主义人民共和国chao2 xian3 min2 zhu3 zhu3 yi4 ren2 min2 gong4 he2 guo2 [People's] [Democratic] Republic of Korea (North Korea)
波季bo1 ji4 Poti, strategic seaport in Abkhazia, Republic of Georgia
清末民初qing1 mo4 min2 chu1 the late Qin and early Republic, i.e. China around 1911

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