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贩私fan4 si1 illegal trading
赖婚lai4 hun1 to repudiate an engagement
赫耳墨斯he4 er3 mo4 si1 Hermes, in Greek mythology, messenger of the Gods
走下坡路zou3 xia4 po1 lu4 to slump
走出去zou3 chu1 qu4 to go out
走相zou3 xiang4 to lose one's good looks
走私货zou3 si1 huo4 smuggled goods
赴汤蹈火fu4 tang1 dao3 huo3 not afraid of any difficulty
赶脚gan3 jiao3 to work as a carter or porter
超我chao1 wo3 superego
越职yue4 zhi2 to exceed one's authority
越走越宽 yue4 zou3 yue4 kuan1 to get broader the further one goes
足金zu2 jin1 pure gold
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