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Querying dictionary for English phrase "cord" or English split phrase "" or Chinese phrase "" or Chinese "" or Pinyin phrase "" or ""...

量入为出liang4 ru4 wei2 chu1 to live within one's means
问名wen4 ming2 to enquire, according to custom, after the name and horoscope of intended bride
黄遵宪huang2 zun1 xian4 Huang Zunxian (1848-1905), Qing dynasty poet and diplomat, author of A record of Japan 日本國誌日本国志, an extended analysis of Meiji Japan
不和谐地bu4 he2 xie2 di5 discordantly
事先录音shi4 xian1 lu4 yin1 prerecord
再录音zai4 lu4 yin1 rerecording
单记录dan1 ji4 lu4 unirecord
历史记录li4 shi3 ji4 lu4 the historical record
友好和约you3 hao3 he2 yue1 concordat
可地阿明ke3 di5 a1 ming2 cordiamine
可录音ke3 lu4 yin1 recordable
和谐地he2 xie2 di5 concordantly
哥德华皮制革师ge1 de2 hua2 pi2 zhi4 ge2 shi1 cordwainer

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