Querying dictionary for English phrase "%for" AND Chinese phrase "" AND Pinyin phrase ""
安史之乱 | an1 shi3 zhi1 luan4 | An Shi rebellion (755-763) of 安祿山安禄山[An1 Lu4 shan1] and å²æ€æ˜Ž[Shi3 Si1 ming2], a catastrophic setback for Tang dynasty |
居安思危 | ju1 an1 si1 wei1 | to be vigilant in peacetime (idiom) |
年头儿 | nian2 tou2 er2 | era |
彖 | tuan4 | to foretell the future using the trigrams of the Book of Changes æ˜“ç¶“æ˜“ç» |
拓荒 | tuo4 huang1 | to open up land (for agriculture) |
推戴 | tui1 dai4 | to endorse (sb for leader) |
政治体制 | zheng4 zhi4 ti3 zhi4 zheng4 zhi4 ti1 zhi4 | form of government |
杏林 | xing4 lin2 | forest of apricot trees |
格律 | ge2 lv4 | metrical verse |
桠 | ya1 | forking branch |
段子 | duan4 zi5 | sketch |
比方说 | bi3 fang5 shuo1 | for example |
琚 | ju1 | ornamental gems for belt |